Integrative Energy Arts
Welcome to the Blog
The purpose of this blog is to support the growth of consciousness of students and clients of Integrative Energy Arts – to share frequencies of love, peace, beauty and joy through its words and messages. It is meant to uplift mood and vitality, encourage higher thoughts and insights, and inspire!
Blog posts may be written by Caroline or channeled by Caroline on behalf of the higher light. We invite you to check back regularly, knowing you will find the right message waiting for you when you need it.

Express Your Authentic Self! May 25, 2024
My friend John Weiss and I met in 2010 in a qigong practitioner training class and have been friends ever since. John is a gifted

Integrative Energy Arts is on the move!
Integrative Energy Arts is moving from Cranbrook to Kimberley at the end of July! Short notice, but an opportunity arose and I took it! The

2023 IEA Courses
Happy June! Welcome to the June IEA Newsletter! I would like to take this opportunity to share a listing of all the course offerings for

Cookie Dough Fiasco
I was hosting a gathering of friends and students soon so I thought I would make some homemade snacks to show my appreciation for their

We All Have An Inner Einstein
When I saw this article, “We All Have an Inner Einstein: Figure Your Frequency Out First to Find it”, by Anthony Meindl, I thought the

Taking a Breath Break with Light
Greetings Dear Ones, and welcome to the worlds of love and light. We are delighted to be here with you in this way, to share

Wisdom from 2022 for 2023
Happy New Year! These shorter days and longer nights are perfect for dissolving your attachments to 2022 and dreaming beautiful dreams for 2023! As

Inner Journey for Rest and Revitalization
Note: here is a guided meditation from the Guides. If you like, you may want to play some relaxing music in the background as you

The Lord’s Prayer revisited
I grew up at a time when we still recited the Lord’s Prayer at the beginning of each school day. There were periods in my

What do we do in Chaos?
For most of us, things haven’t felt “normal” in a long time….there are energies of anger, frustration, fear and chaos swirling all over the globe,