Gratitude is good for your health!
According to the Mayo Clinic Health System website, April 8, 2021 issue, “Expressing gratitude is associated with a host of mental and physical benefits. Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity. Gratitude can also decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain and risk of disease.”
I am grateful for the following:
- a cozy home in a beautiful part of the world
- a loving and supportive partner
- a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in
- the ability to grow and buy food and eat what I want
- clothes, shoes, golf clubs
- wonderful friends and a loving family
- the opportunity to be a life-long learner
- the opportunity to share what I have learned, and be of service to others
- a healthy body and a strong mind
- the ability to create whatever I want
- clean air and water
- squirrels, song sparrows and hummingbirds
- an office for work
- curious, open-minded clients and students
- kind neighbors
- a growing awareness of abundance in all forms
- beauty in all forms
Focusing on what you are grateful for will allow you to magnetize even more of it, for what we think about grows. Use your consciousness to choose your thoughts wisely.
What are you grateful for today?