Another Awakening Your Light Body course recently came to a close after 13 sessions together (6 months). The course is designed to assist students to awaken their light body – to open to, connect with, and experience the frequencies of their soul, beyond the physical and energetic body. Everyone successfully achieved the higher states of consciousness and awareness necessary to make this connection! In order to achieve these higher states, one needs to be able to experience and create physical ease, emotional flow, and mental fluidity.
Here is a summary of the feedback received from the most recent students when asked what their experience of the course was and what they are taking away from having attended:
- “it was nice to experience the energy frequencies; I have felt them before and now know what they are, and that they are real”
- “this course has re-awakened my spirituality”
- “this course has inspired me to learn more about energy healing”
- “the love and kindness experienced in the course gives me hope in a world that seems to be so lacking in those qualities right now”
- “I no longer feel alone”
- “it was wonderful to experience all the sensations and learn to trust my gut feelings”
- “my decision-making ability has improved”
- “this course was enriching and life-changing”
- “I enjoyed the other students, and appreciated spending time with them – with people who ‘get it’, are on the same path, on this same journey”
- “I feel more grounded overall, and family members noticed I am more peaceful, and less anxious”
- “this course required time and commitment; it was worth the time”
- “everything is clearer to me – situations clear more quickly, or I am better able to let things go, and alternatives easily appear”
- “connection – I feel more connected spiritually to Nature, to the Divine; I take time to observe the world around me”
- “confidence in myself has grown, making decisions for myself is easier”
- “I may not have seen or felt a lot in some journeys, but I felt the peacefulness in the journeys, and I am trying to be like that at all times”
The next Awakening Your Light Body class begins October 31, 2022. If you desire the opportunity to have experiences similar to what these students had, please consider joining me!
For more information, please click here and scroll down to “Awaken Your Light Body”