Learning to Channel Your Guides is a skill that everyone and anyone can learn! All it takes is intention, commitment and practice, just like any other skill. A Guide is like a wise, loving, compassionate, more evolved best friend who is available 24/7 to answer your questions, give you higher perspectives for your decision-making, and assist you to make your life brighter, more joyous and expansive! In this course, you will learn to connect with the highest guidance available to you, through a guide or your Highest Self; you will learn what guides do and don’t do, how to find a high guide and connect with one (or with your Highest Self), and strengthen your line of communication with them. By the end of the course, you will be able to verbally channel insight and wisdom from the higher worlds or from your Highest Self!
This skill has served me well in my work with clients. I work with the highest beings associated with each client to bring words of wisdom, find just the right issue to spotlight for the session, and for healing and transformation purposes – being in their higher frequency elevates the energy of the session for all. As for myself, I channel regularly (most days) to find higher insight in situations, boost morale (Guides are the best cheerleaders!), and receive guidance for all that I do. Channeling is a wonderful skill to add to your tool box to assist your work as a healer, counselor, writer/artist, therapist, teacher, philosopher, advisor, guide – any work that involves working with people. I love teaching others this skill!
To find the next available course, and/or to enrol, please click here and scroll down to “Learning to Channel Your Guides“.
With love and light,